School Uniform
School Uniform Policy
For school uniform items please see the Uniform list below this policy statement. With the exception of school jumpers and cardigans, PE Tee-Shirts, school coats, school ties, sun hats and school book bags, which for ease of access are to be ordered through the school office, all other items of uniform can be purchased from local supermarkets.
School coats are offered to parents, but there is no necessity to buy. The coats are of a very good quality, durable, warm and are competitively priced. There is no requirement for parents to purchase sun hats -they are offered purely to assist parents should they want to but one for their child
All items of uniform purchased via the school office are sold at cost price to school.
Parents are requested to ensure that all items of school uniform have their child’s name on them.
PE items should be kept in a bag a preferably draw string one, clearly marked with your child's name, and left in school during the week.
Trainers should not be worn as part of the school uniform during lesson times.
We also recommend that each child has an old shirt to be used as an apron when painting. However, this only gives limited protection to uniform.
For Science children will need a large white shirt to act as a laboratory coat.
We expect children to have sensible hair styles. Please avoid extreme hair cuts/hair styles including clippered shapes or designs and dyed hair.
Children with long hair are requested to have their hair tied back in the interest of hygiene.
Children from Year 3 upwards are taken on a weekly basis to Garstang Swimming Pool throughout the year. It is the Swimming Pool’s policy that all girls must have a swimming hat and boys with long hair or hair that is getting in their eyes when wet will be required to wear a swimming hat. Good quality swimming hats are available from Garstang Swimming pool. No earrings are to be worn during swimming. Boys must have swimming trunks or skin tight swimming shorts. Girls must wear a once piece swimming costume. This is the swimming pool’s policy.
Jewellery and Make Up
Earrings, make-up (including nail polish) and jewellery are not to be worn in school. Should you wish your child to have their ears pierced we would be grateful if you could arrange for this to be done at the very beginning of the summer holidays so that the healing process will be complete and your child’s entitlement to full curriculum will not be disrupted. Please note: from our experience ears rarely heal within the stipulated six week period.
It is school policy that children should not do P.E activities and swimming wearing earrings or jewellery.
School uniform can be purchased via our 'online shop', please log into your MCAS app.